Thursday, July 8, 2010

Nitosha's Surgery has been Postponed...

We were all ready and set to have surgery on Monday, well as ready as one can be. We arrived to Dr. Hillock's office for my PRE- OP appt. with our HIGH RESOLUTION MRI (who knew there was a diffrence?). Dr. Hillock met my Wonderful Mommy! Then he began to look at each film one by one, he is a quiet one. And of course I nitosha pipe up and say " hummmmmm... i am guessing this silence isn't good?" He always tells me "one thing at a time." So he looked and looked which seemed like forever and then said "he was happy that we had this MRI done before surgery." then he proceed's to tell me that it looks larger and more complicated that orginally thought. His team is not fit for the size of this surgery now and does not have the technology in Las Vegas to perform this surgery without potentially having large concequences. (tears started to well up, not gonna lie) Then he told me he needed to get some other Dr.'s to look at this so he can make sure he is seeing everything clearly. The films and all other tests have now been overnighted to UCLA and the MAYO Clinic in Minnesota! My follow-up appt is on July 22nd at 10am (its going to be a long 2 weeks). So for now the only thing we can do is PRAY for a Miracle!

Please feel free to comment here if you would like I will need to hear from alot of you over the next few weeks!

I am so grateful for the Astounding Husband I have been blessed, an Absolutley Amazing Family and the Robertson's which I was lucky enough to marry into that family.

P.S. If you call me or text me and you don't hear back from me please take no offense I love anyone that is reading this blog. ONLY ONE REQUIREMENT no tears allowed:)



B said...

Cute girl, we will keep you in our prayers! It's a blessing that they found out that they can't do it BEFORE they tried... it will all work out soon :)


Mrs. T said...

wow--- not wat u were expecting to hear when u go to your appt im sure. Have faith sweetheart-- things will work out. breathe-- heavenly father has a plan for you. you and ur family will be in or prayers!! love u tosh!!

Emily Clark Montgomery said...

Hang in there Nitosha. You're in my thoughts and you can bet I'll be discussing this whole thing with God! You're so strong and I know you can overcome anything!! Let me know if there is anything else I can do from afar.

Much love,